### 1.4.2
Update: Use reflection to access private methods in InstallerController class (#63)
Update: Do not purge the whole Symfony cache folder (#63)

### 1.4.1
Fixed: Did not redirect to Contao login under 4.9 (#61)
Update: Hostingwerk support for InnoDb imports (#60)

### 1.4.0
Update: Open for Contao 4.9, next LTS compatibility (#56)
Update: Use Contao classes in strict \Contao\ namespace
Update: Support collations corretly in customcatalog sqls (#57)

### 1.3.1
Added: Display further license information when domains not match (#53)

### 1.3.0
New: Ready for EclipseX (#48, #49)
Update: Have a more clear difference between the packages (#48, #49)
Update: Shop link has now a language variable (#50)

### 1.2.3
Fixed: Support PCT contao installer under Contao 3.5 installation

### 1.2.2
Added: Shop link (#43)

### 1.2.1
Fixed: Unlimited redirects under Contao 4.5

### 1.2.0
Added: English language files (#39)

### 1.1.1
Fixed: Request urls should be html_entity_decode to avoid wrong parameters in curl request (#37)

### 1.1.0
Added: Version conflict page (#35)
Update: The curl file request is now inside a try statement to catch php exceptions like timeouts

### 1.0.0